
My music journey began as a very young person, playing piano by ear and “singing before I could talk.”  Thanks to wonderful experiences with mentors, directors, and teachers, I pursued a Bachelor of Music degree in Piano Performance and Music Education from Meredith College, Raleigh, NC.  I began my professional career as a Choral Director at a rural high school in North Carolina.  This passion led me to complete a Master of Music in Choral Conducting at the University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill.

The journey has allowed me to serve as director of two university choirs, a select county children’s choir, a leader in church music, and as an educator in preschool, elementary, middle, and high school settings. I value the occasions when called to be an accompanist, guest director, and adjudicator for state-sponsored choral events and continue to contribute to community choruses as a director or singer.

I have a passion for sharing my love for music, particularly singing in a group. Choral music is a life-long gift that allows us to connect with others from all walks of life and brings joy to those who listen!  Music is the ultimate universal language!